
The latest news from Skibz

I'd like to introduce myself...

Thu Jan 12, 2017

WWN – I’d like to introduce myself…


I’d like to introduce myself properly, I am Helen Bristol founder and Director of Skibz Ltd. Although I dip in and out of the marketing team we have decided that from now on I will do all the social media posts as I really enjoy the contact with the customer, potential or otherwise.

I started Skibz Ltd way back in 2004 when all my babies were real dribblers and dribble bibs were not then on the market.

I remember going into my local town, armed with nothing more than a clipboard and asking every parent with a baby wearing a bib if they were doing so because they were eating or dribbling – a staggering 48% were wearing them because they were dribbling and yet at that time there were no bibs specifically designed for dribbling.

 The Skibz was born!

Named so as it’s half a scarf and half a bib. I changed the ‘c’ and ‘s’ for marketing purposes and so the journey began. I won’t bore you too much but basically, if I can do it then ANYONE canJ.

Over the last 12 years I dived head first into the ‘business’ and I really miss the contact of our customers, particularly as I am not one anymore, my youngest Is now 13!

Therefore 2017 if about getting back to basics along-side continuing to run and build Skibz Ltd.

As always feedback relating to our products or what and how we do it is always very welcome.

Wishing you a fantastic 2017!



Congratulations to Rebecca Tizzard and Sarah Lampard on winning ‘Manic Monday’ on our FB page and #Winitwednesday over on our Twitter page. Bandana Bibs going free!

Offer of the Week


Snoodz'n'Mitz snoods and mittens are a cunning alternative to those easy-to-lose hats and gloves! Is it a hood? Is it a scarf? Are they mittens? Are they wrist warmers? They're all of those things! Clever, huh? And now only £10.00!

Check them out at

Until Next Week

Helen x