
The latest news from Skibz

WWN – How big do you want your business to be?

Thu Jan 19, 2017

WWN – How big do you want your business to be?


Most may say as big as I can get! But not me. I need it to run along side my job as a Mum and a house wife, may sound dated but it’s true. My husband works long hours and unless I want the family to grow up in a cold, unwelcoming house with DIY meals I am unable to work the hours required for Skibz to become a monster of a business. Granted, I could get a cleaner, nanny and extra help but I don’t want to give ‘these’ jobs away as I (sort of) enjoy them. Plus, I like keeping Skibz small and manageable and therefore controllable.

My problem, (challenge I think they call it nowadays) has always been keeping the business at a size that allows me to ‘have it all’, albeit on a small scale. I have no answers, just continuing to work on a constant quest to do just that.

From 2017 onwards I endeavour to be as efficient as I can be, for example thinking more so that I do less 'meaningless doing' and taking on fewer projects but doing them better – quality not quantity I suppose you may call it. I want fresh new designs, new products but only designs that customers want and only products that people actual need and not ones that companies make us believe we need.

What goals do you have for 2017? Do you want something completely different for yourself or your family or to just do what you do but better? I’d love to know.



 Congratulations to Catherine Bradley and Marie Roberts on winning ‘Manic Monday’ on our FB page and #Winitwednesday over on our Twitter page. 

 Offer of the Week


This pretty floral Vintage Rose bib is a little girl's dream. It fits the bill perfectly for a chic vintage look that's so now! Your little flower will win the cute baby prize for sure with this lovely accessory. Especially now it’s HALF PRICE!

Check them out at

Until next week

Helen x